Tuesday, 20 May 2014

Past Questions

January 2009

Discuss the ways in which media products are produced and distributed to audiences, within a media area, which you have studied.

June 2009

How important is technological convergence for institutions and audiences within a media area which you have studied?

January 2010

“Media production is dominated by global institutions, which sell their products and services to national audiences.” To what extent do you agree with this statement?

June 2010

“What significance does the continuing development of digital media technology have for media institutions and audiences?”

January 2011

“Discuss the issues raised by media ownership in the production and exchange of media texts in your chosen media area.”

June 2011

“Successful media products depend as much upon marketing and distribution to a specific audience as they do upon good production practises.” To what extent would you agree with this statement, within the media area you have studied?

January 2012

“To what extent does digital distribution affect the marketing and consumption of media products in the media area you have studied?”


June 2012

“Cross-media convergence and synergy are vital processes in the successful marketing of media products to audiences.” To what extent do you agree with this statement in relation to your chosen media area?”

January 2013

“What impact does media ownership have upon the range of products available to audiences in the media area you have studied?”

June 2013

“Evaluate the role of digital technologies in the marketing and consumption of products in the media area you have studied”

Monday, 5 May 2014

Year 12opD work for Period 1

Whilst looking through your blogs again at the weekend I need you to complete a risk assessment and a full production log.

Examples of the layouts that you need to use can be found here: http://chchsmediastudies.blogspot.co.uk/2014/03/risk-assessment.html

Please make sure that these are here as it's the only way I can boost your grades for Research and Planning.

Comment with a simple done on this post once you've done this or if you already have. If you've done this then make sure you let me know and then add on anything else you are missing from your blog, I will have added any comments to your blog if you are missing everything.

Miss Walsh

Saturday, 26 April 2014

I don't know what else to do!


I don't know what else I can do now. It's breaking my heart that I am writing this post. I am not a teacher for the holidays, the pay, the pat on the back when someone says, "I couldn't be a teacher, must be tough", I'm not a mercenary and I'm not a glory hunter. I teach because there is nothing in this world that I've wanted to do other than this. I do it because I love it when young people are empowered and when I was your age I had some fantastic people who cared and wanted me to do well, and I thought, wow, to give someone that feeling, that someone cares about their future and they don't need to be related to them, that must be so rewarding for their soul. So off I went, did a degree in something I loved, and then went on to pay to do my teaching qualification.

Today, as I'm sat at home on my laptop looking at your work I'm wondering where I've gone wrong. Maybe you've misunderstood when I'm having a go and pushing you, to be me hating you, so you think you don't want to work? Maybe you think that there's no point? Whatever it is, I'm devastated as a human being that some of you seem to be so full of self doubt, or lack self respect that you would actively choose not to do work that will get you an AS level. Are you not doing AS levels to make a better life for yourselves?

If I thought any of you were not capable of doing this course or getting a half decent grade in your work then I would have told you by now, I would have had you removed from the course. I have always believed that each of you can do well and I have put in so much time and effort going through each of your essays, looking at new ways to teach you information, doing research to make sure that you have the most current facts and figures. But you're not working with me anymore, I can't do it for you, I won't, it won't help you as a human being.

My job is not to teach you media, it's to give you skills that will help you be better than me, achieve more than I ever could with my life and go out and make yourselves feel proud of what you accomplish, that is worth more to me than anything else.

I know that most of you will not read this, about 10 follow the twitter that has been set up to help you revise and get additional help and info about the exam topics. I can't care enough for both me and you. I have to draw the line for my own health.

I will continue to give feedback and advice, I will continue to teach and mark and plan every hour god sends as every once and a while one of you will do something amazing...something that makes me burst with pride and make my life's dream worth it. At the moment though, it is truly destroying me that some of you don't have that care for yourselves. This isn't a dress rehearsal, this isn't a mock, this is it. The government want you to do badly, you have got it tough and my heart breaks when I think about how difficult it is to get jobs or university funding, but be the best you can be and things will happen for you, you will make them...if not you may as well resign yourself now.

Please lads, meet me half way, act on feedback, I'm not saying something looks bad because I want to hurt you, I'm doing it to help you be better...I know what the competition is, I've shown it to you...step up and show the world that you're all amazing.

Until you take some pride in your work all I can do is carry on giving out E's and D's...nobody has achieved anything above this yet.

I'm sorry if I've let you down.

Miss Walsh

Friday, 25 April 2014

Jump Cuts



You lose marks for incorrect terminology...REVISE...it's less painful for both me and your final grade!

Thursday, 24 April 2014

Evaluations Exam Board feedack

  • Developments in this area - more candidates approaching all questions and in a creative and analytical manner.
  • Some really excellent responses.
  • Large amount Level 2 - very short responses. Is the same amount of marks as Research and Planning
  • Candidates to avoid scripts to the screen. 
    • No good to read the essay to the camera. You need to be outstanding analytically and reflectively bur need to use Creativity and ICT well to access all of the marks.
  • Technology fit for purpose
  • Understanding as well as effective use of ICT

College Magazine

This needs to be done asap please by both classes. You will need to make sure that you are doing the following:

  • It looks like a magazine
  • You are using a MEDIUM SHOT of students
  • You are using photoshop to create it
  • You are putting a Masthead and some additional text
You do not need to make it a masterpiece. You will need to ma


Wednesday, 23 April 2014


Hi All,

I am marking all of your coursework, this is your FINAL deadline, at the weekend. If there is anything missing then I will not be revisiting it nor will I give you any feedback on how to improve this.

I mean COMPLETE. No more nonsense and no more excuses, if it's not there on Saturday then it will not be marked.

Any glaring errors will be picked up on and advise given on what you need to do to improve but if there's nothing there at all then I will give you a 0.

Get moving.

IMAX Prezi

Tuesday, 1 April 2014

Examples of Evaluations

Some outstanding examples. This is what you are up against:

And some additional examples chosen by the exam board:

Try looking at Voice Thread too. 

Friday, 28 March 2014

Suggested Evaluation Platforms

Videoscribe (1 month free subscription)
Voice over narration
Cartoon strip

Audience Profiles

Q Magazine: http://www.bauermedia.co.uk/uploads/QMediaPack-Feb2013.pdf

Kerrang Magazine: http://www.bauermedia.co.uk/uploads/Kerrang!-MediaPack-2011.pdf

NME Magazine: http://www.ipcadvertising.com/audiences/young-men

Evaluation Questions

1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

  • This is where you will compare how your product looks either similar to or completely different from existing products. 
  • DO NOT tell me what you have done
  • You need to pick out HOW your product is similar to or different from existing products
  • Use images from your Research to reinforce how they helped form your decisions.
  • Do not use random images of existing magazines they MUST be from earlier in your blog, if they're not then find a way of including them in earlier posts. 
  • Make it interesting
  • Don't use large chunks of texts, for each element that you're talking about then you need to refer to images of it this will help you break down your writing. 
  • TALK ABOUT ALL THREE PARTS OF YOUR PRODUCTION! DO NOT focus on the Front Cover, you need to look at Contents page and Double Page spread too and how they compare to existing products.

2. How does your media product represent particular social groups?

  • Use videos of the type of audience citing how you have used mise en scene to refer to how you have done this.
  • How has the language you have used in your article reflected the type of audience/social groups you have? Have you used slang (colloquial language)
  • How does your headline represent the social group?

3. What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?
  • This is where you need to look at one of the following Media Publishers and decide why they would publish your magazine.
    • IPC
    • Bauer Media
    • Development Hell
    • Blaze Publications
    • Edgemont
    • Future PLC
    • Immediate Media
  • Look at the examples of other magazines they publish, perhaps put in a video from their website or some images of the other magazines they publish.
4. Who would be the audience for your media product?
  • Use references to your questionnaire
  • Use Images from the internet
  • Do a profile of the average reader
5. How did you attract/address your audience?
  • Explain how you have used the information from the questionnaire to ensure your audience wants to read your magazine.
  • Use lots of images from both your questionnaire, such as the popularity of people highlighting they will pay £3 for your magazine for example and then an image of your magazine with £3 as the price.
6. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?
  • This is how has your use of photoshop developed?
  • How have you used New Media (Internet) in your response?
    • Google Docs
    • Blogger
    • Youtube
    • Google Search
  • Have you become better accquanted with all of these forms?
  • Have you been able to identify how the use of these technologies makes your work easier?

7. Looking back at your preliminary task (college magazine), what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?
  • How have you become better at constructing a magazine since your college mag?
  • Have you planned your work better?
  • Have you developed in your use of Desk Top Publishing (DTP) which is photoshop?


Thursday, 27 March 2014

Camera details

For those who need it for their Equipment information. This is the camera that you used if you used my camera.


Risk Assessment

Hi Lads, here is a risk assessment with an example. Feel free to adapt but this format should be fine.

Example of a Production Log

Remember that this is a basic/proficient example. The more detail you add the better. It may be good to include hyperlinks to evidence of what you did or links to blog posts to show what you did at each stage. Try to make the dates look like you're organised.

Miss Walsh

I will put the risk assessment up this afternoon if I can.

Friday, 7 March 2014

Use of the Green Room

I'm disgusted lads! The state of that green room today is beyond a joke! The screen is damaged and equipment is lashed all over the floor.

You need to carefully consider what type of people you are. The school have invested a lot of money for you to use top of the range equipment that you should feel is a priviledge not an entitlement. I'm fed up with immaturity and silly behaviour.

The way some of you have used my personal camera and now the facilities shows a lack of respect for me, Mr McCann, the school and yourselves, not to mention the students coming after you who will not have the opportunity to use these facilities because of your selfishness.

The room is now closed to year 12. Find somewhere else to take your photograp


Sunday, 2 March 2014

Front Covers

This is what the exam board are expecting and most of this is achieved through your photoshoot! You need to stop being lazy! A levels are not achieved in the classroom time they are achieved by hard work, ambition and a drive to succeed. I've never ever encountered such complacency from a whole cohort of students. I genuinely have yet to see a student who has gone outside of the school building to take their photographs.

I don't know what you're playing at, I really really don't.



I've spent the last 12 hours stressed over your blogs...something not right here!

I've had enough of seeing school uniform, in some case with no attempt to hide school lanyards, I made EXPLICITLY CLEAR in September the demands of this course and what you need to do. If you're not prepared to do it, then you need to make sure you see Ms Lees or Mr Phipps to get yourselves removed from the course. This is what it is, this is what you have to do and therefore DO IT!

The Mark Scheme is below, this is what you are getting marked on...pull yourselves together please!

There is evidence of excellence in the creative use of most of the following technical skills:

Producing material appropriate for the target audience and task;
showing understanding of conventions of layout and page design;
showing awareness of the need for variety in fonts and text size;
accurately using language and register;
using ICT appropriately for the task set;
appropriately integrating illustration and text;
shooting a variety of material appropriate to the task set;
manipulating photographs as appropriate to the context for presentation, including cropping and resizing.

Tuesday, 28 January 2014

Analysing Double Page Spreads

Hi All,

For this it is a good place to start you need to make sure you upload an image of not only the double page spread but also the front cover from that magazine. This is because the front page usually links to the main double page...the images here would be connected yet have a significant stylistic difference. You would not have the same image on the two pages and so this is something you need to consider.

You will also need to consider the way in which the Double Page spread is laid out. The following questions should help:

  • How are the front page and double page spread connected through images
  • Does the Double Page spread use the House Style of the magazine's cover in any way? 
  • How many images have been used and have they been styled for a particular format?
  • Have the images been used to coincide with the text used?
  • What is the tone of the text?
  • What is the focus of the article? Is it a Review? Interview? Retrospect? Introducing article?
  • What kind of graphics have been used on the double page spread? Are they purposeful? Do they add anything to the content of the article?
  • How has the article been written, pick out the codes and conventions, use the following terms:
    • Hyperbole (exaggerated language)
    • Copy (all of the text)
    • Colloquial Language (Slang)
    • Rhetorical Questions
    • Direct Address
  • Paragraphing
  • Pulled Quotations

Good Luck and don't forget about uploading images.
Minimal: You upload a Double Page Spread from the Internet looking purely at the way the double page looks
Basic: You upload a Double Page Spread and look at the content, vaguely describing the content and how the article sounds
Proficient: You make an attempt to answer the questions above and look at theway the Double Page spread, contents and Front Page are connected.
Excellent: You answer all of the questions above, using a variety of images and annotation devices. In addition to this you make an attempt to outline how the research you have done has informed your own work by producing another Action Plan.